Walk In Clinic - CALL TODAY:
1628 Palm Avenue San Diego, CA 92154
Hours: Monday - Friday (9am – 8pm)
Hours: Saturday - Sunday (10am – 6pm)
Convenience Dispensing
For our patients' convenience, South Bay Urgent Care dispenses a variety of the most commonly prescribed medications on site.
Q. What is convenience dispensing?
A. Fill your prescription here, instead of making an extra trip to the pharmacy.
Q. How much does it cost?
A. We offer pre-packaged prescriptions for $15 each**
Q. How do I get my prescription filled?
A. If you choose to take advantage of this convenient service, you will leave with your medication in-hand.
Q. Will you bill my insurance for these medications?
A. No. We do not bill insurance for your medication. We accept cash or credit card. Many times the cost is less than your pharmacy co-pay.
Q. Can you fill a prescription I received from another doctor?
A. No. Our medications are only available for prescriptions written by our medical providers.
* Prescriptions provided by
**Prices may vary as we add new prescriptions to meet the needs of our patients.